This week was our final meeting for the Spring. L We were lucky enough
to have some Jimmy Johns during class this week. Thanks so much for that.
For the first few minutes of class we each discussed what we
were doing this summer and what we were most excited for. I was surprised how many peer mentors are
staying in the Ames area this summer. It’s
a majority of the class. So far my only
plans for the Summer are to work at the gas station I’ve worked at since I was
16 and to watch my little brother play baseball. He has been playing baseball for the last
four years and I think it is so cute to watch.
We spent the majority of our class filling out co-leader
agreement forms and writing a mission statement for our group with our
co-leader. I think it is nice to have
the time we plan to meet during the fall to do our lesson plans written down somewhere. Sebastian and I had some pretty similar ideas
in our individual mission statements that we used to write our combined one and
our goals for the Fall. Now I am even more
excited for the Fall.
Since it is now finals week, good luck on all of your exams