Thursday, February 28, 2013

Understanding Group Process

              This week Kat and Tyler taught the learning lesson about understanding group process.  I’m not going to lie after reading the chapter for this week I was a little nervous for the activities that they would have us do would be ones like having to cross one arm over the other, grabbing other people’s hands, and trying to untangle ourselves without letting go.  Not that these activities are not fun, but they are just ones that are well known and to be honest I find them difficult to do.  Instead I was pleasantly surprised by the activity they had us do.  It was one that I had never done before which made it exciting.  I thought the guys did a good job maintaining their composure and continuing on with class even though we were rambunctious this week.

                My favorite part of the day was probably the question of the day that Kat and Tyler posed.  It was very creative and fun.  The answers that we came up with were anything from practical to downright silly.  It’s good to have something just for fun every once in a while.

                I enjoyed the discussion about different groups that either worked well or did not and why.  We’ve all had experiences with both types of groups and it helps to be aware of the different ways that can cause a group to be unsuccessful.  Two things that came up were communication within the group and getting individuals to take responsibility for their responsibilities.

              In the chapter it gives a list of ten things that define people as a group.  I thought it was fun to think about how each of these ten things related to our peer mentor group.  After doing this I would have to agree with what Kat said in class; we are going to make an excellent peer mentor group for our students in the fall.


  1. The question of the day was fun. It was different, and different is welcome. Great post!

  2. I also liked the question of the day! If I remember correctly I think I said I was a sweater or something with sleeves right? :P

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You wish you WERE cool enough for sleeves. :D

  5. We WERE really rambunctious this week! Poor Kat and Tyler. I agree that the question of the day was very creative. It made us think more differently than we're used to.
