Going to college has been one of my biggest goals since I was about ten. I did not know where I wanted to go and what I wanted to was constantly changing, but I knew that someday I would be a college student on my way to my diploma. Although, some of my family members had gone to college, none have recieved a four year degree or more. They had all attened community college and I knew I wanted more than that.
At ten I never thought that my dad would lose his job right as a recession hit or that my mother's alocholism would cause other health issues leading to her being unable to work and struggling to support herself. But, those events hit home during my high school years. Entering my senior year I still knew I would go to college, but at that point I realized I would be doing on my own. That realization struck doubt into my mind. How could I afford tuition at Iowa State University? Would I have to settle for community college for two years?
So what is the point to the story? That's simple! Recieving the hixson award made it more feisable for me to afford college. It took a large proportion of the stress off of my shoulders. By being able to make my goal of attending a university come true, the hixson award also is allowing me to show my nine year old brother that he can do what ever he puts his mind to and that there is so much more to life than the life our mother has created for herself. To me the hixson award means so much more than money for college; it is an opportunity to make my dreams come true and to have a positive impact on the person that means the most to me, my brother.
College is definitely a stress in thinking of ways to pay for it when you don't know if you'll be able to make ends meet! It's always rewarding when you can show someone that looks up to you that they can do anything even when it doesn't seem like it all the time! :)