Sunday, February 2, 2014

MBTI... YAY!!!!!!!!!

MBTI is definitely one of my favorite topics that we cover in Hixson, but part of that is likely due to my major of course.  Having go through my mbti several times I decided to reflect on how I used my mbti style or how I could have used it better last fall.

Starting with extraversion.  I highlighted "prefer active participation rather than passive observation" because I like to keep people up and moving by using activities rather than just lecturing in class.  I also highlighted would rather talk than write about a topic.  If you look at my first blog from last spring I clearly state that I strongly dislike blogging.  It is not my forte.  The other thing that I highlighted under extraversion was get bored without activity, so you make it happen and often engage others in the activity.  This is just another statement that proves my point about using activities in the classroom versus lectures.

The other personality factor I focused on was the perceiving function.  I specifically highlighted have an overview of a plan but not necessarily the specifics to accomplish it.  This is how I use lesson plans.  In my opinion lesson plans are just to keep you on track, but if you get off onto another important topic it is perfectly acceptable.  I also thought about how I use a plan to provide direction, but I only follow it flexibly.  The last thing I focused on was how I welcome a moderate amount of routine in my life.  This has become a necessity for me actually.  Without a little routine there is no way I would have been able to balance two jobs, my classes, an internship, and being a peer mentor this year.


  1. Wow! You are super busy! I'm really impressed that you are able to manage that kind of a schedule as a perceiver. You're an extrovert? Couldn't tell. But that is what makes you who you are. If you really don't like to right, maybe we could start doing video blogs! You could just do your thing and talk about your thoughts on camera instead of writing them. On a quick side note, as a tutor for chemistry, I think that having flexibility in lesson plans is often times necessary as it is tough to gauge what my students will struggle with the most and what they will just whip through. Often times I find myself not covering half of the material I had planned for the session and yet I still feel as if my students gained a lot from it.
