Monday, March 24, 2014

Sometimes we need a little motivation

Hope everyone had a relaxing Spring break. I was in Ames for most of it working on campus, but I spent most of the time making duct tape flowers for our pens.  Not a terribly hard way to spend the day. 😃

Last week Kayla and Courtney did an excellent activity to demonstrate internal and external motivation.  For my part I had to use positive motivation to encourage my partner to create the best card possible without doing any of the work.  I did not find this difficult because I try to be a positive person in general and I enjoy trying to spread my positive outlook.  I feel like having a positive outlook coincides with internal motivation.  If you are in a bad mood you are less likely to want to complete goals you have.  I tend to be extremely internally motivated.  I do what I need to do for myself because I know it will help me achieve my goals.  Some students do not have this ability and rely more on external motivation.  They may need someone to push them to achieve their goals.  These are the type of students we can help the most as a peer mentor.

Allie also did a presentation on financial literacy.  Every time we go over financial literacy I learn a little something new.  It also reminds me of how fortunate I have been to receive this scholarship.  Without it I doubt I would have been at ISU and I know if I had been I would be in far more debt.  Knowing more about financial literacy not only helps ourselves, but allows us to pass on our knowledge to other students.


  1. I agree with you when you say that a positive outlook goes along with internal motivation. Generally, I am motivated internally and although things can be tough and I won't want to do them, I will get them done. I find it easy to say no to people when they want to do something that I don't or just when I don't have the time. This hard work and dedication usually ends with a gratified feeling and makes it all worth it!

  2. Brooke,

    I am very similar in the regard that I have a very high internal motivation (I am guessing you might have noticed this) and don't really get anything from external motivation. I think you make a good point in stating that not ever student is that same way and we have to realize that as peer mentors so we don't force our methods on to them when they may not work.

